“My son Johan started the Headstart program 3 years ago to continue his introduction to drums having previously been exposed to percussion. During his time with the program, Johan has gained knowledge, skill and technique. This has also helped to develop an assertive character as his confidence has improved significantly. Moreover, Johan has been able to improve his focus and concentration which will certainly benefit him as he transitions to secondary school.
This is not the end but the beginning of possibly a rewarding experience in music as he now wishes to learn to play the saxophone. I wish to say thank you to Elan for his initiative taken to expose our children at such an early age to music and thanks to the coordinator and dedicated tutors who commit to teaching every week ~ Paul Marshall – Parent of Johan
“Upon Joining the Headstart Music program Teej was just interested in making noise, but the program really helped him to focus on making music, establishing friendships and being able to perform in front of audience. The program is comprehensive and the tutors are very dedicated to helping the students learn and absorb music. Thank you Headstart Music Program” ~ Jaycee Mayers – Parent of Teej
“Mr Weatherhead was the one for Leila. She became apathetic and frustrated for a while and was not making good progress. Both he and she wanted to give up. They stuck it out. Leila hit a stride and I started to see improvement in her confidence, interest and playing skill. Her sight reading and theoretical knowledge is also pretty good. Good all round. She now wants to continue with the music and she wants to do the extra year with the programme.
Kai is not as disciplined at this stage but kweku is patient. Kweku also inspires him so Kai has kept his interest and has been making more effort.
Overall, I’m pleased as a parent. The children have enjoyed it even when they were not giving their all and have learned despite themselves. They have also made positive friendships. Both want to continue with music. They have added drumming (djembe).” ~ Amanda Forde – Parent of Leila & Kai
“Headstart Music Program has been instrumental in heightening the awareness of music in both of my children. The program has helped to develop their ear training. Headstart Music has been instrumental in creating a solid foundation musically for them as they transitioned from primary to secondary school.” ~ Steve Francis – Ahren & Xavier Francis